Category Archives: Visions

visions of success

Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

My amazing birthday adventure to explore some of Mexico’s beautiful cenotes, beaches, and archeological sites on the Yucatan Peninsula! Of course, I can’t leave out food and other forms of fun in the sun, not to mention cavorting with dolphins!! … Continue reading

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Alaskan Adventure 2018!

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St. Lucia Adventure 2022!

Escaping DC in January to head to a tropical climate is never a bad idea! I’d never been to St. Lucia so when a friend suggested we go I jumped at the chance to experience a new place. St. Lucia, … Continue reading

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African Adventure 2021: Ethiopia, Zanzibar & Nairobi!

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Mini-Sabbatical 2020: Cape Cod & Martha’s Vineyard

Saying 2020 has been a rough year would no doubt win the “Understatement of the Year Award” so I won’t bother making a case for the need for a sabbatical. I will say that the past few months starting on … Continue reading

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How to Find Peace In Unpeaceful Times

In these turbulent times, many people are feeling sad, angry, despondent and frankly traumatized. This is affecting our mental and physical health as well as our work, as we find it difficult to concentrate. These reactions are completely normal but … Continue reading

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What’s in Your Quarantine Survival Kit? 9 Must-Haves

I Don’t know about you, but at week 4 or 5 (I’ve lost track) of quarantine, my stress levels are rising. Don’t worry my self-care has also increased accordingly. Whether you live alone, in a couple, or a household with children … Continue reading

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Coping with Corona and Quarantine

Tips on How to Stay Calm Amidst Growing Fears… Praying that this article finds you and your families well, Let me get right to the point. I know it’s hard not to succumb to fear during these times. The growing … Continue reading

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This Valentine’s Day [and everyday] Give a Gift of Love to Yourself with The Five A’s!

According to psychotherapist, David Richo, PhD. one way to improve your relationship with your significant other is to set an intention to consistently give each other “The Five A’s of Love: Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, Affection, and Allowing.”  But what about … Continue reading

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How to Create a Vision Board (Dr. Cutts on ABC)

When is the last time you made or refreshed your Vision Board? In this segment, I share some tips on how to use a Vision Board for success!

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