Are you willing to say “YES” to your Vision? When you feel a calling to follow it do you honor what you are led to do or do you resist?
Overall I am saying “yes” to my Vision. This does not mean I never avoid or drag my feet or procrastinate, but yes I am willing to say “yes.” Some days like today I am really tired and I can only do what I can do. And some days also like today I try to push past my fatigue with less than perfect results. I have had to vow to myself that after uploading this post I will go rest, but I did just want to check in to report that I did push past my Monkey Terror (see post #16) and revised the survey and posted it. See invitation to take survey below. I need to go now and just let the week sink in. I plan to write perhaps in the morning when I am refreshed, but I could not rest until I got this out there.
Please click this link to take the Vision Quest Survey.
(first posted 5.9.09)