VQC #33: Vision Quest Retreat Update

working on the Vision Quest Chronicle

On 6.29.09 I wrote…

I have run away from home to focus on my Vision… so for about the next 7 days I will be chronicling my self imposed Vision Quest Retreat.  My agenda? 1) follow my instincts,  2) work on the curriculum for the upcoming Vision Quest Retreats being launched in the next year, 3) finish writing the story of how I came to be living my Vision for the book, 4) be in the moment, enjoy, chill, and record it all on this blog, twitter, and in my private travel journal.

Today is day 6 of my adventure and I feel the need for a quick inventory on the above agenda items. Re:

1) Following my instincts-Doing pretty good w/ this when I stay in the moment. On this trip this consists of being true to myself & doing the next right thing i.e. resting, eating & exercising when I should.

2) Working on the curriculum for the upcoming Vision Quest Retreats-paying attention to the elements on my own personal Vision Quest Retreat that are helping me to get quiet & clarify and gain inspiration for my own Vision. Yoga, unstructured alone time, a place away from “work”, the right atmosphere, all musts.  Have not actually written out curriculum, but plan to do a draft before I go.  

3) Finish writing the story of how I came to be living my Vision for the book-no movement on this except in my mind and minimal at that

4) Being in the moment, enjoying & chilling- not doing badly but…finding it a real challenge to be completely present at all times and not flying off into my head to daydream, plan & envision future.  Not sure it is possible to stay in present at all times…my yoga practice is a big help…did have a consciously slowed down morning and that helps too. Enjoying and Chilling…doing really well at that! Perhaps my forte (Of course being on an island retreat in a fabulous villa makes all of the above easier to achieve). Surprised to observe that even here I can be in a rush to get to the next adventure, thing or accomplishment.  More slowing down to do…am going to practice this more today & pay attention to the results.

5) Recording it all on blog, twitter, & private travel journal-Doing as well as I can.  As always it is a challenge to record it all.  As much as I am writing there is still so much more…hard to write & live it all in a 24 hr period! Sometimes feels like a table with jewels & other treasures spilling all over the place and I am struggling to catch and hold it all.  Have to find a balance…maybe not possible…no matter. Can always just revel and enjoy the transient nature of life and all the experiences we have on the planet.

I will report results on all the above in an upcoming post. As always would love an update from you on the state of living your Vision. Please drop me a line when you can.

(first posted 7.2.09)

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Vision Quest Chronicle #32: Am I Blue?

the view from my room

…awoke to golden sunlight streaming in the window.  Light quick breakfast then piled in the open taxi with the gang…headed to the dock…boarded a boat and set off. Surrounded by every shade of blue imaginable.  Struck by the thought of painting…recorded the colors in my mind, wished I could capture the feeling of wind on my face and the salty spray cooling my skin.  A day of island hopping.  A trip through the bathes on Virgin Gorda…snorkeling among the gigantic boulders.  Treated to seeing some squid with their iridescent dots of light…huge fish…good enough to eat.  The next island…lunch, chicken roti with mango chutney…yum.  Final stop anchored in a little bay to snorkel…hugged the rocky shore and found a little magic cave full of colorful rocks.  The current was too strong to enter the two foot opening.  I had to tread water outside and look in.  The inner sanctum of Mami Wata protected by the currents…but at least I could peer in if not enter.

Entirely too exhausted to write more tonight. Did some work-work tonight after roof top yoga and a sumptuous dinner. Want to get up early for a swim.  Looking forward to my dreams tonight. My body is still rocking from the day on the sea as I write this.

If you are a Woman (21 or older) and would like to take the Vision Quest Survey, please click 

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 127 women have completed it! My Goal= 1000.

(first posted 7.1.09)

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VQC #31:Moonlight Meditations

Moonlight on the Maryland Shore By: Nicole Cutts

As I write this I am sitting on the rooftop in the moonlight. The air actually smells sweet as it moves gently around me.

Yesterday was divine…an early morning swim, relaxing, snorkeling, reading and writing. After my massage I decided to forgo dinner with the gang to stay home for some quiet alone time. A big part of my agenda on this personal Vision Quest Retreat that I am on is to practice just being in the present moment. I have found to clarify my Vision and to get guidance about my next steps I need to get quiet enough to hear my inner urgings and longings so after everyone left I sat out on the verandah and just looked out to the sea and wrote in my private journal. The sun was beginning to set when I decided to go up on the roof deck to do some yoga. I did my sun salutations to a setting sun with Peter Gabriell’s “Passion” helping to give me energy along with the verdant mountains surrounding me and the emerging moon above my head. This turned out to be exactly what I needed to do to clear the channels.

After yoga a meditative shower in the outdoor shower overlooking the trees and eventually the sea then I dressed for dinner and made my way down to the main house. I had my own dance party on the way listening to Grace Jones on my ipod. I really danced…working up a sweat. At one point I had the fleeting thought that I ought not to because I had just showered and now here I was sweating, but then I realized how silly that thought was. My body said dance so I did. I can not tell you how good it felt. Looking back I think I was high. The combination of the yoga and the dancing may have set off a very pleasant chemical reaction!

I am happy to report that in the last few days I have gotten a lot of clarity about my Vision and had great ideas about the retreats I am putting together with a colleague of mine. This personal retreat that I am on is a pilot in a way. I am paying special attention to what conditions are helping me to clarify my Visions and to gather energy. As I already mentioned just having time and space and quiet is a huge help.

Wishing you peace and happiness until next report.

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 127 women have completed it! My Goal= 1000.

(first posted 6.30.09)

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VQC #30: My Vision Quest Retreat: A Flight to Reality

on a Vision Quest Retreat

Do we run from the present moment because reality is too much to bear? 

I have run away from home to focus on my Vision… so for about the next 7 days I will be chronicling my self imposed Vision Quest Retreat.  My agenda? 1) follow my instincts,  2) work on the curriculum for the upcoming Vision Quest Retreats, 3) finish writing the story of how I came to be living my Vision for the book, 4) be in the moment, enjoy, chill, and record it all on this blog, twitter, and in my private travel journal.

The highlight of this day so far was my morning swim. I arose at about 6:00, sat on the little verandah off my room to watch the sun come up over the mountains.  After she made her dramatic appearance bringing the day with her I decided to walk down the hill to the glassy bay for a swim.  The water was cool and refreshing as I pushed off from the shore. The plan was to swim along the shoreline to the end of the cove and back.  Within minutes I was caught up in a swarm of tiny silver minnows. I descended into their midst just to enjoy them.  It was like a rainstorm but the raindrops had been replaced by fish all moving and changing direction as if with one mind reacting to something I could not see.  Different numbers of them moved in different directions creating currents and every time they moved a burst of silver could be seen.  Of course my being there meant that I created a hole in the middle of this storm and they all kept a safe distance.  I was surrounded on all sides so I could turn slowly in the water and just watch them.  I felt or perhaps imagined that I was Mami Wata surrounded by my minions.  A silly perhaps, yet delightful thought to have.

Eventually I did continue my swim.  It felt good to exercise my body buoyed by the gentle water…no real agenda…just to move and breath and be present in the moment. Being in the moment…staying in the moment…always returning to the moment.  I realized the other day that there is so much in each moment.  Each and everymoment is pregnant with more than I can handle sometimes. Maybe that is our challenge with staying in the moment…maybe life just seems like too much sometime.  I will be paying attention to this over the next several days.  Paying attention to each moment to see how much I can take.  How much can I bear?

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 127 women have completed it! My Goal= 1000. 

(first posted 6.29.09)

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VQC #29: All the Single Ladies

Nujalik Gddess of Hunt (Nicole Cutts)

Is feminism sexy?

My boyfriend and I went to see Beyonce the other night and I got to thinking…does feminism turn men off or on? One thing I really appreciated about her show, aside from the great show-womanship was her shameless empowerment of women and girls…LOVE the all girl band! As I’ve moved on this journey of my Vision Quest many of the women I have encountered have told me how important they think my work is because it empowers women. It’s funny but I never really thought about this when the Vision appeared to me. I just knew that I wanted to live my own Vision and that I wanted to inspire other women to do the same. I really did not think of it as empowerment of women.

As synchronicity would have it this notion of female empowerment is floating all around me. On the train the other day I was talking to two young women, one Euro-American and one African American. They both talked about how important it is for women to lift each other up. Then I go to the Beyonce concert and am treated to her brand of feminism and start contemplating my relationship to girl power. I became aware that sometimes in relation to men I may downplay my feminism/support of women and wondered at this…do I think men will find a feminist unsexy? Is feminism a dirty word? Do some of us shy away from it for this reason? Of course there may be some men who will be turned off by a woman who is a feminist or who feels strongly about supporting other women but a real woman can’t worry about that.

Beyonce alter ego Sasha Fierce

The next day a man I know professionally asked me if I thought that feminism was obsolete! I don’t see how the notion that women are fully human can be obsolete, but maybe he meant is the need for feminist ideology obsolete? (Of course there are many different definitions of feminism and many different feminist ideologies and this blog is not really the place for the depth of discourse that would be required for a thorough examination. I am really musing and inviting readers to do the same.) I don’t really think about it often but if pressed I would say I am a feminist. I guess my idea about female empowerment is just that I think women are very powerful. I see myself as powerful and do want to encourage other women AND men to take up their own power. I think we are all powerful and to me that is what living one’s Vision is about…taking up your power and living your life fully. Man or woman…what really could be sexier than that?

If you are a Woman (21 or older) please take the Vision Quest Survey

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 127 women have completed it! My Goal= 1000.

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VQC #28: Dream Lovers

Do you have enough lovers in your life?

We all know about haters and as much as we hate to admit it we may have even been haters, but what about lovers? We don’t talk enough about them. In the world of visioning and creative visualization it is often suggested that you protect your Vision from those who would attempt to tear it or you down. Some refer to these evil forces as dream stealers others call them dream killers.

I have definitely encountered my fair share of haters in the pursuit of my Vision, but this blog post is dedicated to the Dream Lovers…those who support and encourage our Visions and dreams. During this project I have received a lot of love and support from women and men that I know and even people that I have never met. It is really amazing to me and I am very grateful for it. Every kind word or hearing from someone that what I am doing is helpful to them helps to keep me motivated and engaged. It really is awesome!

I wish I could wax a bit more poetic on this subject tonight but I am coming down with a cold (I am almost NEVER sick so you can imagine how thrilled I am about this.) so I wont go on now…but I just wanted to put this out there in the universe before slipping off to sleep (I hope!)

So…do you have enough lovers in your life?
(first posted 6.16.09)

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Vision Quest Chronicle #27: Following Your Bliss

Nicole Cutts at Gallerie Myrtis opening

What is your bliss???

I’m unaccountably happy this morning. I am NOT a morning person, but I awoke early and wanted to get to work. As I was making my coffee and practicing being in the moment, I realized (once again) that I am living my Vision. We have all, no doubt, heard that life is a journey not a destination. The same is said of success and achieving your Visions. When I can remember this I am happy. When I forget I am dissatisfied and lost in fantasy about the future and how happy I will feel “when” I achieve my Visions.

A reader recently commented that he conceptualizes living his Vision as what Joseph Campbell refers to as following your bliss. Nelson Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachute?” says, “Your mission in life is where your deep joy and the world’s deep hunger meet.” I believe both of these concepts.

In state VI: Consummation, of my Vision Realization Continuum(Cutts, 2004) “one experiences the union with his or her Vision and bliss, contentment, and joy are felt.” This same bliss is also experienced in state VII: Commitment, but in this state the challenges of maintaining the commitment are also felt. I believe that I am living in the states of continual consummation and commitment. Like in any relationship, and I do conceptualize living one’s Vision like a relationship, there are good days and challenging days. Today happens to be one of those good days and not because of something I am accomplishing but because I am reveling in the fun of and the realization of how far I have come on the journey.

Are you following your bliss? Leave a comment and let us know. Much continued success on your journey!

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 118 women have completed it! My Goal= 1000.

(first posted 6.7.09)

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VQC #26: Hussle & Flow

Do you have a question?

I like to begin my posts with a question but I did not have one that made sense so there you go. I just had a strange experience. I have been working tonight fairly intensely and was just about to shut the old PC down when I felt like I missed you (my imagined readers). Now if you are reading this then you are real and you do exist. Know that I missed you and wanted to just check in before shutting it down for the night. At my last posting I was flowing on writing the story of my Vision. I had two sittings and anticipated at least two more to just get the raw draft done. I have not returned to the story for a few days. Now this could be because it was getting kind of intense…you know how it can be dredging in the past etc.

So what have I been doing? Still working on and living my Vision of course…just not writing. I did feel compelled a couple of nights ago to thank all of the women who have completed my survey so I spent about 5 hrs, staying up till 2:00 a.m. putting their emails and contact details into constant contact and creating a thank you email…uh you’re welcome.

I really could go on to catalogue every moment but I don’t want to bore you so I will leave this post by saying be well until next time and wishing you (my real reader) all the success you dream of.

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 143 people have started the survey and 116 have completed it! My Goal= 1000.

(first posted 6.3.09)

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VQC #25: Flowing

Adinkra Quilt (N. Cutts, 2005)

I just wanted to check in briefly to report that after a good deal of preparation/procrastination I did sit down to begin writing the story of how my current Vision has come to be. Of course it was not hard once I got started and I actually started to get into the flow of it. I have had two sittings thus far and there are probably two or three more to go just to get the first raw draft out (yes I mean raw not rough). It felt good writing and when the flow started to feel laborious I stopped. I noticed my urge to push on but, as I am working on going with the flow and not forcing this is how it is. Anyway I am off to a meeting so I will report tomorrow probably but my hope is that I will sit down this evening to write a little bit more.

In the meantime I would love to hear from you so drop me a line at Dr.Cutts@nicolecutts.com

Vision Quest Survey Report: as of today, 133 people have started the survey and 104 have completed it!

(first posted 6.1.09)

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VQC #25: A Trickle

Yesterday I talked about being stuck/clinging to a rock on the way down the river of living my Vision. I have been dragging my feet on writing my vision story to go in the book. The plan was to at least begin it. I had another plan as well that I did not share with you. I was going to just putter around the house with no schedule sans pressure to produce and be active. I did okay with that…not great…but okay.

I groomed Rex (who is shedding like crazy!) I blew all the hair etc. off the deck, I dusted and vacuumed the harem (my den), washed doggy blankets, cleaned the laundry room, swept off the front steps, dusted and cleaned my room, deep cleaned the stove, shook out the rugs, swept the showroom/living room then took Mr. Rexford to the river for a walk and eventually sat down to write.

I set my sights on writing 3 pages stream of conscious just to unplug the damn. I did pretty good with this, by getting a lot of the dross off the top of my head. Today I actually start writing the story. Not sure if I should type it or write free hand but I am thinking free hand because that flows better for me.

I also find myself wondering… what do you do to get unstuck?

Vision Quest Survey  Report: as of today, 129 people have started the survey and 100 have completed it!

(first posted 5.31.09)

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