VQC #14: Patience is Good

“Patience is Good” reads the Arabic inscription on my silver business card holder. I chose this from among the offerings of a shop keeper in a bazaar in Cairo to remind me of this fact. I carry this possession with me wherever I go, but actually possessing patience and carrying it with me in all that I do is another thing entirely! As I continue to grow my Vision it is coming to me more and more that patience is not just good, it is necessary. I want to be “there” at the next level most of the time. Intellectually I know that I need to enjoy the journey, but I struggle with this wanting, always the next goal, the next accomplishment. This blog is a perfect example…worrying about the response or lack there of. Obsessing about whether folks were commenting or not. Browbeating and harassing my friends to comment! I can be quite tyrannical really, but all the while I am cognizant of how all this pushing and striving is not how it should be. Doing the work and letting go of the results is very difficult for me, but I believe it is necessary.

All around me, the world, the Universe tells me…be patient, enjoy the journey, let go, do what you can and leave the rest to a Higher Power, what is to be will be. BUT, there is this very impatient little girl, a fighter by birth, who stomps her feet and screams…”NO! I want it NOW!” I don’t imagine that my job is to get rid of this part of me, but it is to find balance between fighting and yielding, striving and resting, and ultimately doing and just being.

So on this Sunday morning as I look out my window watching the rain fall, I am reminding myself once again…Patience is Good.

(first posted 5.3.09)

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VQC #13: Passion

What are you passionate about?

I had a really interesting conversation today with a woman who related to me that her young (18 yr old) daughter went away to a spiritually centered “camp” where they looked deeply at existential issues. Her daughter called home one night crying. Through her tears the child was finally able to tell her mom the “problem”. Her mentor had told the young woman/child that she needed to figure out what her passion was and she was distraught because she did not know and felt she had to figure this out. She asked her mom, how she came to know what she was passionate about and when this happened.

Her mother related to her that she never really tried to figure out her passion. Instead she came to know what passion was when she gave birth to her, this daughter, her first child. She said that was when she finally understood what it was to be passionate about something…that you are truly passionate when you completely give yourself over to something or in this case someone, when you lose yourself and become part of something bigger. Wow! As I listened to her story I knew that my Higher Power was sending me this very clear message through this woman’s story. Passion is when you completely give yourself over, when you lose yourself while giving to this entity that is related to you but bigger than you. Amazing how the Universe keeps on giving me these gifts of clarity!

What are you passionate about, and if you don’t know how do you figure it out?

(first posted 4.30.09)

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VQC #12: Lilian Part II-Loneliness Unmasked


This is part II of my visit with artist, Lilian Thomas Burwell, that took place on 4.26.09 in Highland Beach, MD. In my last installment I talked about some answers I received from Lilian regarding an issue I had been struggling with; the validity of my Vision.

Sometimes I wonder how, if you are living your Vision to its fullest, does a romantic relationship fit in there? How does one balance relationships with people with ones relationship with her Vision? I have also often wondered if the reason that I am not currently in a relationship is related to the fact that I may need to give so much of myself to my Vision. I wonder if my Higher Power or the Universe knows best and if that is why I don’t have that romantic relationship right now. Maybe space is being made for me to do what I was meant to do. I have noticed that for many women it seems to be so much more of a challenge to balance relationships, family and career. The prevailing expectation is society remains that a woman is still expected to support a man in his work while he supports her or the family with his work. I have always found that this model does not really suit me. Additionally I find that many men have a hard time with the idea of a woman whose work is of primary importance in her life. I know that personally some men that I have interacted with are quick to decide that I am too busy for them. Obviously those are not the men for me, but it’s strange because in a way more and more since I have become more involved in living my Vision I wonder if they are right. However, living my Vision does not eliminate the desire for a romantic relationship.

Something told me that Lilian knew something of this dilemma. She was married long ago and raised one child, a daughter. She has been divorced for many years, was a single parent and is currently single. She is a very strong independent woman and although she has desired it, has not been in that relationship most people dream of, with “The One.” As she puts it, she is an incurable romantic and if he came along tomorrow she would go for it. I completely relate to this!

I asked her pretty much point blank. Do you think there is a reason that you don’t have this relationship? Do you think God has something to do with this? Lilian said that she does not presume to know what God is thinking but that although she desires this she also has learned to accept things as they are. She also said that perhaps the space that is left by the absence of this relationship is meant for her to fill with her creations and the work she does with and for others. She alluded a few times to this emptying out and how this space must be filled. She also said that not always getting what she wants has meant that she has gotten so much more and that she truly believes that she is living the life God intended for her and is confident that this God loves her more than she could have ever imagined before. She also told me that this desire for love and romance should not be ignored and that as an artist it comes out in other ways. This is true. You can see so much passion and sensuality in her work!

So did Lilian answer my questions for me? Of course not. She gave me a lot of clues, but as she said we only truly “know” something when we live it. My answers are still coming and as Lilian said…I can not presume to know what is in the mind of God. I know for myself that there is something to be found in the space of being alone and yes even in loneliness. I have found many answers in this void and a part of my generativity has come from this place, but more of course remains to be realized.

(first posted 4.28.09)

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VQC #11: Lilian

Lilian with one of her creations

Today the quest took me to Highland Beach near Annapolis. I went there to interview and visit with my friend, artist, Lilian Burwell, but really I was in search of answers. How Lilian came to be in my life is another story (certainly worth telling, but not just now). Lilian lives and works here near the beach in a peaceful beautiful home filled with her creations. Being with her is always an adventure and a treat. Lilian is like a g*ddess, beautiful and wise and mischevious, not to mention a Gemini like myself. I wanted to interview Lilian for the book I am writing on women and their Visions because I see her as a woman who is living her Vision. She just published a book titled “A Dichotomy of Passions: The Two Masters” and I wanted to get a copy from her. I also knew, that as always, she would have something to tell me that I needed to hear.

When Lilian and I are together it is a bit crazy…two Geminis who never stop talking, but today I was much more in the mood to just listen. When one Gemini is 38 and the other is an almost 82 year old, much accomplished woman, it is a no-brainer which one needs to shut up and listen. At brunch I had just launched into telling her about my Vision, about the book and this blog and the retreats I have planned, when she cut me off. At first I was perturbed, but then I realized that I was getting an answer to one of the big questions I had come seeking answers for. What she said was that she used to tell her students how important it was to have your own vision, to do what you love, not what others think you should do, and that it did not matter what others thought of you or the work, but what mattered was that you needed to love that thing. She said, the money does not matter, what matters is that you do what you love even if you need to have another job to support that addiction (Vision). I came to see her plagued with doubts about the value of my own Vision…wondering if anybody even wanted what I am offering, worrying about the perceived lack of response to what I am putting out there even though I know it is from my heart. Lilian, this oracle of Highland Beach was telling me what my Higher Power had been trying to tell me in so many ways over the past week. If you feel it do it! and don’t worry about the life it takes on or about judging it…just do it. This was so important for me to hear, because I struggle with this all the time. I’m doing what I want but get too caught up in the results.

We talked about so much more today…we did do the interview and after we went to the beach to cool out and enjoy the sunshine. I could probably write 5 pages on just this one day with Lilian. I could also tell you about the second burning question I came down with and what her answer was about that…but I’ll save it for another installment.

(first posted 4.26.09)

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VQC #10: Still Shakin’ the Tree

Tree of Life (detail)

Today is a good day on the Vision Quest. When I say good, like most people, I mean I am grateful for what I am getting. Although I was up late last night I did make it up this morning to go to a new yoga class. After two weeks of missing I had no choice. I was beginning to atrophy. My ability to move and to flow and to even breath was being compromised. So glad I went. Not cured, but getting there. I did a run through of the survey as I said I would last night and have made a few minor changes and sent off to a friend/editor for her to do a beta test of it for me. I hope to have it done and start putting it out there by COB Monday. It seems like everything takes longer than I want it to. Balancing my desire with patience is always an issue when it comes to living my Vision. I really admire people who are productive and patient. I feel like I am either dragging my feet or on fire. I know I am not alone in this. Where is the balance?

I am curious how you maintain patience as you work toward your goals. How do you enjoy the journey?

(first posted 4.25.09)

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VQC #9: Shakin’ the Tree

It is late on a Friday night and I’m supposed to be tired after a long week but for some reason I feel like I can’t stop working! Something is happening. Hard to explain in a way. I want to say I am in a flow with my Vision, but it does not really feel like a flow. That’s too mild. The word “driven” keeps coming to mind. Obsessed is another good word for how I feel. I just finished another draft of the Vision Quest Survey, the tool I am going to use for the first step of data collection for my book. (I did go on Survey Monkey and upgrade my account to accommodate the survey questions and the mass of responses that I am no doubt going to get…build it and they will come…I hope!). I have finished the survey but want to take it myself tomorrow when I am fresh, edit one more time then start distributing it. I have had a ton of ideas/insights over the past couple days about how I want to do this and other next steps. On Sunday I am going to interview an extraordinary artist I know about living her Vision. More on this later. I really am bursting with so much more that I want to say…the synchronicity around me right now is phenomenal! A part of what is so crazy is how this process is giving me more information for my book and support for my theory about how we come to live our Visions. What I am experiencing currently is found in states six (consummation) and seven (commitment) of my Vision Realization Continuum. I am getting so many messages from the Universe about what I am to learn right now. More on all this later.

As always your experiences are welcome…tell readers where you are.

(first posted 4.24.09)

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VQC #8: I Don’t Have a Vision

After installment #7 of The Vision Quest Chronicles (VQC) I sent the link out to a select group of friends and colleagues. It was a long distro list and I did not bcc them b/c when I do that not even I can see who I sent it to. (I like to know for future reference so I don’t end up spamming the same group). Anyway for some reason one of my friends, a wonderful photographer, living in the wilds of Colorado, decided to hit “reply all” to send me his comments. Not sure why he did this, and at first was thinking “oh no” but it sure got a reaction! In essence what he said was that he respected my point of view but that he himself did not have a Vision beyond “how the day unfolds and how I greet it.” He went on to say ”Of course that is assuming the basics of work, shelter and daily bread are set right…That allows all the energy spent on striving, planning, climbing…etc. to be spent on creative/spiritual endeavors instead.”

One recipient commented to me that this was a “wacky comment” and that I should have “protected my readers” from such. Two people, who are very close to me said…”who is this person!?” and one friend, who is oddly like a soul-mate, although we can’t recall how we even know each other so well (hmmn?) felt compelled to log an official comment spurred on by his comment. I personally, perhaps because I know him so well and what an amazing artist and person he is, was intrigued by his perspective and respected it. Although seeking and living my Vision is my thing there are also many days when I feel that I am doing too much striving and climbing and not enough just creating for its own sake. This is something that I have to be consistently mindful of. A treadmill is no less a treadmill because it is covered in artistic or creative wrapping. To me it is about my intention in relation to the energy expended. Am I trying to get somewhere with this Vision or am I letting a Higher Power guide my movements and creations? This friend of mine, by the way, who wrote the comments, is living his Vision whether he sees it like this or not. He is an artist, he works, he supports himself, is a loving caring happy person and happens to live in a beautiful secluded area near a stream. In so many ways he is where I want to be…balanced and at peace.

(first posted 4.22.09)

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VQC #7: Movement Feels Good

I am a bit late with this update, but am happy to report that after some struggle did make some concrete movement on the book. I took the comments some of my advisers had given me on my survey and began to create a draft of it on Survey Monkey for later distribution. This actually took place 4 days ago on 4.15.09. (Oh yeah, the survey is the tool I am using for the initial stage of data collection for the book on women and their Visions that this blog is chronicling.) There had been a big lag in time from my first draft of the survey, to soliciting feedback, to now. I think I dragged my feet because of some fear of really moving ahead. I knew I would feel good if I just worked on it. I did. The survey is looking good. I made several changes to it based on the feedback I had gotten to simplify it. I had been perhaps trying to capture too much data with this one survey. Before I start sounding like a mad scientist…just let me say again..it felt good just to work on it! I did hit a tiny wall however. My basic account on Survey Monkey limited the number of questions, so the next logical step is to upgrade the account to accommodate the entire survey. Additionally the upgrade will allow me to collect a lot more responses that I would have been able to previously. Yeah! Hope I don’t drag my feet too long before moving on the next steps in the data collection process; finalizing the survey and deciding the exact method of data collection. Don’t worry when the survey is up you will know because I am going to need people to respond. Stay tuned.

(first posted 4.19.09)

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VQC #6: I Dreamed a Dream

Have you seen the singer Susan Boyle on “Britain’s Got Talent”?   This 47 year old woman exemplifies the abject bliss one and the world can experience when you fully unite with your Vision. It is a beautifully moving portrait of what can happen when someone does not give up but follows their dream. I loved the fact that the song she chose was I Dreamed a Dream from Le Miserables (one of my favorite songs). I also loved the fact that when Simon Cowell asked her, why she had not succeeded as a singer, that she answered, because “no one has given me the chance”. I don’t know her story but what I heard in what she said was that she always believed in herself no matter what.

The audience reaction was very interesting to watch. Before she opened her mouth you could see the scorn and derision on their faces towards this person, who they no doubt saw as too old, not attractive enough etc. Then as soon as she opened her mouth the people were stunned and almost immediately so happy for her and her obvious victory. By the end of her performance they were elated. Her story is a classic one of the underdog winning against all odds and we humans love those stories. I think we love those stories because even if we are doubtful or cynical most of us feel like underdogs and we all want to believe that in the end we will win.

(first posted 4.19.09)

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Vision Quest Chronicles #5: Mami Wata

Mami Wata Incarnated as the Serpent

One thing I have noticed that happens when I am on the right path is that the amount of synchronicity in my life seems to increase. I think of something or someone and then like magic it/they appear, or I need a resource or some information and it’s like it just drops out of the sky on me. I meet someone who is working on something that fits right in with what I or another friend are doing and I get to connect them right away. I love when this happens. It’s been happening a lot lately.

In addition to the book, which is a fairly new endeavor, I am on another quest. I have been working on a series of paintings about female divine images, looking for representations of female divinities and G*ddesses across cultures. The images that appear with these posts are some of the paintings that I am referring to. I plan to use these images in the book. (If you want to see more or learn more about that quest you can visit my art website @ www.nicolecutts.com).

So as luck would have it I have been doing some work at the Dept. of Energy in D.C. which is across the street from the Smithsonian Castle and the Museum of African Art. There is also a lovely garden here so I have been enjoying having a little time in between appointments to stroll around here. The other day when I passed the museum of African Art I saw this huge banner image out front with a picture of a black woman with a big black mane of hair with a snake coiled sensuously around her body. It was Mami Wata!

Mami Wata is a pantheon of water spirits or deities, venerated in West, Central, and Southern Africa, and in the African diaspora in the Caribbean and parts of North and South America. She is often described as a mermaid-like figure, with a woman’s upper body, and the hindquarters of a fish or serpent.

I have represented her in a few of the pieces from the G*ddess series and here she is, a whole exhibit until July! Ok, I’m pretty excited about this! I’ve been to visit two times already and have not seen the whole thing.

Of course now I want to get back in the studio because I have so many ideas that I want to get out. I have a few other pieces that I’ve been working out in my head too that have had to wait. So now my next challenge will be finding the time to get in there to bring some of these ideas to life.

It is really hard some time to just enjoy the journey and not stress out because I want to do it all at once. Balance? Still looking for it.

(first posted 4.19.09)

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