It was a cold night in early Feb. and Rex (my crazy beagle) and I were sitting by the fire. It was late, around 11:00 but I felt like I was just waking up. This happens a lot. Sometimes I get so caught up doing my work that I fail to realize that I am truly living my Vision. But on this night I was filled with excitement as I realized where I am in my life, that I am on the journey of living my Vision. I don’t think our Visions are a state we suddenly arrive at, it’s more of a process or a journey or the way I like to conceptualize it is as The Vision Quest. Even though I call it a quest it’s really the whole process that matters and what you think you are looking for and striving for isn’t always what you find.
Anyway back to that night…I was smiling and my spirit wanted to dance because I was keenly aware that I had truly started working on my book, a Vision I have had for some time. After talking to my editor it had become official, that I am working on it. I was/am excited and scared at the same time. Hopeful but also a bit worried about the future. I was also feeling happy and proud becasue the article in which I was quoted in Black Enterprise was out. I had gotten the magazine that night and read the article. It felt funny in a way as I stepped back to see where I was. I made a conscious effort to just take it in and enjoy the moment because in the past I have often just felt good for a moment then rushed off to the next thing. Sometimes it is a challenge to live in the moment, not just looking to the future, and when I get where I think I’m going.
So, as for the present…the book. It is about women and the process we go through in living our Visions. I think it’s an important story. It is being written for fellow seekers on the path of their Vision. The purpose is to inspire those who are either seeking a clear Vision or who are on the path of living their Visions already. The perspective from which I am writing is not as one who is “there” and telling others how to get “here,” it’s as one who is on the road like everyone else. I know the power of sharing our stories. I am inspired by hearing the stories of others, how they got where they are and where they are at the moment. I know I learn more this way than being told what to do. I’m assuming I can’t be the only one who is inspired in this way. Although I am a success coach, this does not make me an expert on success. My expertise is in helping people achieve their goals and Visions by asking the right questions, sharing my experience where I think it’s helpful, helping them create a framework in which to achieve their Visions and encouraging them along the path. The book will encompass these elements and more.
I’ve decided to use this blog to chronicle the journey of my Vision Quest. I think, like any time we share our stories, it helps the one telling the story and the ones reading the story. That is my intention with the blog and eventually the book. I also want this blog to be a forum for others to share their stories from the journey, so if you want to tell us where you are and what you are up to that is most welcome. I want to hear about where you are. Even if you think you don’t have a Vision or if it’s not clear, I want to hear that. If you feel you are living your Vision I want to hear about that, the struggles and challenges and well as the moments of triumph and feelings that go along with all of this.
N.B. If you would prefer that your comments appear anonymously you may email them to me at and I will post them without your name.
Until next time,
Nicole (a.k.a V. Quest)
(first posted 3.2.09)